Past Presidents
Branch 138
D. Cameron 1929*
J. McDonald 1930*
W. Cross 1931*
D. Jeffrey 1932*
L. Hoare 1933*
B. Evensden 1934*
R. Wedsworth 1935*
J. McGill Sr. 1936*
J. Maxwell Sr.1937*
C. Draysey 1938*
T. Wedsworth 1939-40*
T. Mann 1941*
W. Tunney 1942*
R. Hall 1943*
J. Squire 1944*
J.A. Wilson 1945*
J. Downs 1945*
C. Gooch 1946*
R. Peck 1947
J. Finch 1948*
J. Maxwell 1949*
D. McGill 1950*
G. Wedsworth 1951*
C. Womersley 1952*
H. Jackson 1953*
N. Kerr 1954*
J. McDermott 1955*
L. Leo 1956*
L. Fisk 1957*
K. Doherty 1958*
E. Stark 1959*
W. West 1960*
D. Valliere 1961*
F. Hallahan 1962
G. Hollands 1963*
L. Colli 1964
A. Winstanley 1965*
P. Griffin 1966*
E. Adams 1967
E. Secord 1968*
R. Muir 1969-70
George Berry 1971-74*
Gordon Maxwell 1974-76*
J. Martin 1976-77*
Neil Timmerman 1977-78*
D. Stewart 1978-79*
Ken Rowland 1979-80*
Duncan MacDonald 1980-82*
Robert Notley 1982-84, 1985-86*
George Dorward 1984-85
John Cembalisty 1986-91, 1993-95*
Barb Finch 1991-93, 95-97*
Wayne Haslam 1997-99, 2005-06, 2014-15
Don MacKay 1999-2001*
Mark Leeson 2001-02*
Robert Weir 2002-04, 2011-13
Alex Verdile 2004-05
Jack Gemmell 2006-09
Michael Gander 2009-11
Alex Verdile 2016-17
Trish Gander 2017-18
* Deceased As of Apr 1, 2017
Ladies Auxiliary
Charlotte McGill 1939-40, 1944*
Gladys Gill 1942*
Elizabeth Wedsworth 1943,1953*
Elsie Bretherick 1945*
Emily Wormersley 1946*
Florence Howard 1947*
Gertrude Wedsworth 1947*
Glen Richardson 1948*
Irene McAdam 1951*
Ina Watson 1951-52*
Evelyn Swindley 1954*
Isabel Shadd 1955*
Jessie Maxwell 1956-57, 1979-80*
Esther Anderson 1958-59*
Elsie Purdy 1960*
Gertrude Burgess 1961-62*
Charlotte Broadley 1963-65,1970-71*
Jean McLeod 1966-69*
Agnes LaPointe 1972-73, 1977-79*
Edith George 1974-75*
Dorie Timmerman 1976-77*
Monica MacDonald 1980-90*
Pat McCabe 1990-2000
Joyce Ruscio 2000-01
Heather Purnell 2001-07
Pat McCabe 2015-16
* Deceased As of October 1, 2016